Te Tomika Trust is a Kaupapa Māori service based in Tauranga Moana.
The Trust was incorporated in 1990 and is registered as a Charitable Trust. Te Tomika Trust serves tangata whaiora and their whanāu.
Improving the overall health and wellbeing of all people engaged with our service | Hei manaaki tinana me te wairua o nga iwi i raro o tenei tikanga
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and supportive healing environment for tangata whaiora that enables them to live meaningful lives within the community.
Please view the links below for more information on our services such as eligibility criteria and accessing our services. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Kaupapa Māori Community Support Services
Residential Services
Kaupapa Māori Housing and Recovery Services
Mental Health
Community Residential Support
Intellectual Disability
Supported Living
Intellectual Disability
Long Term Support
Chronic Health Conditions