07 578 9733

Adult Mental Health

The Kaupapa

  • To provide a recovery-oriented community based assessment, treatment and therapy service for whaiora from the age of 18 years with an identifiable or suspected mental health disorder including those with associated co-existing issues not necessarily diagnosed.
  • People seeking information about mental illness and its treatment and prevention.
  • Provide a culturally safe and supportive service for tangata whaiora and their whānau that promotes independence, resilience and importance so they become leaders in their own recovery.
  • We do this by fostering the tikanga policies of:
    • Pono – reality, truth, honesty, integrity.
    • Tika – doing things right, in the right way, in the right order.
    • Aroha – affection, compassion, empathy, generosity.

Accessing Our Service

  • Access may be from any source, including directly or upon referral from primary health services, family and whanāu, carers and community members or inpatient services.


Consideration in determining the setting for delivery of services is based on cultural appropriateness, accessibility, gender, age and developmental stage and the most effective and efficient use of resources. Some service delivery may also be electronic.

Service Delivery

1. Initial Assessment

  • A comprehensive assessment forms the basis of the recommended treatment, intervention or support.
  • The assessment process will vary and shall take into account individual circumstances. It may include agreed family/whanāu and support people where practicable.
  • The assessment will take into consideration cultural needs.
  • The assessment will help develop an initial Recovery Plan, which will include treatment, intervention or support options, appropriate risk assessment/management and the plan for discharge.
  • The Recovery Plan will be developed with whaiora and informed consent obtained.

2. Treatment, intervention and/or support options
Recommendations shall be specific to whaiora’s mental health problems that require specialist intervention.
3. Informed Consent
Whaiora/consumer will give written informed consent for treatment, intervention and/or support and will receive a copy of this with their Recovery Plan.
4. Recovery Plan

  • Developed collaboratively with whaiora/consumer;
  • Will identify goals toward discharge and supports to assist you in achieving those goals.
    The Plan will address the broader physical, spiritual, social and psychological needs and aspirations under the model of Te Whare Tapa Wha;
  • May also provide information about the role of whanāu and supports available to them and other social networks.

5. Relapse Prevention Plan

Shall include:

  • Early warning signs
  • Wellness maintenance
  • Relapse prevention information
  • May include advance directives

6. Discharge Planning

A planned process that forms part of the recovery plan.

  • Will always involve tangata whaiora/consumers
  • May include advance directives
  • Will identify medication on discharge and education about this
  • Will include how whaiora, whanāu and/or other services or agencies re-engage with our service if required.
  • A copy of the Discharge Plan will be given to whaiora.


  • When an assessment identifies needs that cannot be met by the service criteria, the service will provide advice/referral to other services that are resourced to meet those needs however, where appropriate, joint care and planning between services will be used to ensure your needs are identified and responded to.
  • Consumers/tangata whaiora and their whanāu shall be encouraged to participate in evaluation/review at each step.

Exiting the Service

Consumers may exit this Service by transfer or discharge.

Contact Us

Ph 07 578 9733
Fax 07 577 3450
60 Grace Road Tauranga 3112