07 578 9733

Kaupapa Māori Support Services



Monday to Friday
8am to 4.30pm
Closed Public holidays

The Kaupapa

  • Provide a culturally safe and supportive service for tangata whaiora and their whānau that promotes independence, resilience and importance so they become leaders in their own recovery.
  • We do this by fostering the tikanga policies of:
    • Pono – reality, truth, honesty, integrity.
    • Tika – doing things right, in the right way, in the right order.
    • Aroha – affection, compassion, empathy, generosity.

Accessing Our Service

  • Access may be from any source, including by self-referral, people directly referring or upon referral from primary and secondary health services, whanāu, carers and community members.

Age Criteria

Age Criteria for Kaupapa Maori Service is 13-65 years.


Consideration in determining the setting for delivery of services is based on cultural appropriateness, accessibility, gender, age and developmental stage and the most effective and efficient use of resources. Some service delivery may also be electronic.

Contact Us

Ph 07 578 9733
Fax 07 577 3450
60 Grace Road Tauranga 3112