07 578 9733

On Friday the 25th of November, Te Tomika board of trustees, kaimahi, and whaiora gathered at the office to bless our new Waka which was purchased with funding from BayTrust and Tect.  We are blessed to have received this funding.

Special acknowledgement to Damion Akuhata who journeyed over 6+hours with the 20 meter long load in tow and was also inspired to have Te Āniwaniwa as part of the name.  Its empowering translation that represents the female bow of the rainbow.

Board Trustee, John Peri gave our waka a beautiful blessing and officially named it Te Āniwaniwa ki Te Tomika (the rainbow of Te Tomika).  This was followed by Kreig Tukukino who outlined the kaupapa for the waka – Te Waka Waiora Programme.  He announced that further funding had been secured to fund Te Waka Waiora programme facilitators to deliver workshops that focus on:

1.    Karakia – Acknowledging the significance of Te Āo Tangaroa
2.    Waka ama/pūrakau – Team work and bonding
3.    Tauranga Moana kōrero – Watermarks and landmarks
4.    Na te korero o Mauao – Mauao pūrākau
5.    Māori traditional navigation
6.    Water safety – Checking the Waka and Moana conditions, Waka equipment, and safe handling on the water
7.    Kai – Tapu to Noa process

Kreig shared that the funding application was accepted over other waka ama applicants because we provided a more extensive programme.

Te Tomika couldn’t have secured a better taonga at this time, as we journey into the warmer season of Summer.  I am sure this waka will be greatly appreciated by all in Te Tomika not only for its recreational and health benefits but to help participants connect with the Moana as well.

Blog post and video created by Grace Matenga from Creatvflow


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Ph 07 578 9733
Fax 07 577 3450
60 Grace Road Tauranga 3112